Transnational Cooperation (INTERREG B)
Transnational Cooperation, also known as Interreg B, supports regional cooperation within different EU countries. The overall programme is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and consists of 15 transnational programmes (see figure 1).
Interreg B offers funding opportunities for projects that stimulate regional development or tackle common issues by a joint approach. The 15 transnational programmes have their own specific objectives, but all support projects related to:
- Innovation
- Environment
- Accessibility
- Sustainable urban development
What is the relevance for Circular Cities?
In contrast to Interreg A, this programme does have an explicit link to cities and environmental issues. Most Interreg B programmes have specific objectives formulated that directly relate to the transition to circular economies. Examples of programmes with relevant specific objectives are:
- Interreg Alpine Space
, which has assigned a priority theme “Liveable Alpine Space” with specific objectives: 1) Sustainably valorise Alpine Space cultural and natural heritage; and 2) Enhance the protection, the conservation, and the ecological connectivity of Alpine Space ecosystems.
- Interreg North-West Europe
, which has a priority theme called “Resource and Materials Efficiency” and has funded many circular city initiatives already over the past years.
When it comes to Interreg B projects, city governments could play an important role in project development and consortium building to address common issues.
Find a programme that covers your region here .
How to apply?
Calls for projects are published directly on the websites of the 15 transnational programmes as well as on this joint website . An important first step is to identify programmes that are active in your region. An overview of programmes is provided here
Transnational programmes specify eligibility criteria (types of organisation, minimum size of consortium, etc.) and define characteristics such as financing rates. In general, however, the following criteria apply for all Interreg B projects:
- All Interreg programmes are territory restricted: you are eligible only if you are located in the area that is addressed by the specific programme.
- Cooperation between different countries is required: because Interreg B is dedicated to supporting transnational cooperation, the partnership must include partners from the specified area.
POST-2020: Interreg programmes – Transnational Cooperation and Maritime Cooperation
As from 2021, the architecture of the European Territorial Co-operation (ETC) programmes will change. The transnational cooperation component will enlarge and will integrate cooperation on maritime borders. The component will, therefore, read ‘transnational cooperation and maritime cooperation’. Learn more about European Territorial Cooperation 2021-2027 .